A Dip in the Ocean Page 24
Sponsors: Natracare, Anglian Water staff, Buff, Brian Tustain, OzSale Jamie Jackson, Cactus, AB Agri, Biojoule, Gill, Buff, Aquapac, Whisper, Advance Performance, Greens Café, The Whipper Inn Hotel, National Boat Shows, Marine Track, Natural Balance Foods, Dave Widdicombe Training, Dr Briony Nicolls, Precision Stitching, Urban Wholefoods, B Well, Vinnie’s signs, GreenPeople, Berghaus, Glanford, Titan Fire, Rutland Worldwide Freight, Maersk, Starlift, Sea anchors Australia, Kelvin Hughes, Walmsley Chartered Surveyors, gp3, Roffe Swayne, Hay Hampers, Force4, Jimmy Green Marine, Anahitas Mauritius, Fitness Fanatics, AB SportsMassage.
All the sponsors of miles, donors to the charity and anyone who followed the journey and wished me well.
Peter Buckman: You were right. Trust your instinct.
Stewart Ferris: I am glad you kept pestering me to carry on writing.
My editor, Jen Barclay: I’m glad you came to the Pecha Kucha. I envy your tenacity in guiding me through the bookish waves. Fancy another?!
Thanks to everyone at Summersdale for their hard work, patience and encouragement in making this book a reality.
Charity: If you would like to find out more about arthritis and the charities I raised money for, then please see www.arthritiscare.org.uk and www.arthritisresearchcampaign.org.uk.
I mentioned albatrosses a few times in my book. If you ever get a chance to visit albie territories, then take it – these birds are beautiful and, sadly, threatened. Check out the work of my friends at the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds www.rspb.org.uk for more information on the threats and the solutions.
Ocean Rowing: If you are interested in rowing oceans see the Ocean Rowing Society at www.oceanrowing.com or the Association of Ocean Rowers at www.oceanrowers.com.
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